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Start Your Own Youth Central

Start your own Youth Central: Welcome

Getting a Youth Central Group Started

The Answers You Need

If there isn’t a “Youth Central” group currently working in your community get in touch for some help to start your own Youth Central group. Here’s a quick FAQ’s of how to get started...

Start your own Youth Central: FAQ

Who can start a group?

Any young person (aged 12-18) that lives or goes to school in Central Bedfordshire can start a Youth Central group.

What do I need?

All you need is yourself and a few mates who are passionate about making a difference to your local community.

Where will we meet?

We have several Youth Centres around Central Bedfordshire that we can use for a meeting space or if we don’t have one in your community we will find another convenient meeting space (e.g. the library, a community centre, etc.)

When will we meet?

When you get in touch we will work with you to find an appropriate meeting time based on when you are available and when buildings are available, etc.

How do I get started?

If you have some mates that are passionate about making a difference in your community simply contact Simon Bailey or Lisa Wright on or and we will be in touch to help organise the rest!

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